Ho‘okupu (offerings) are traditional in Hawaiian culture. They’re used to mark memorable events and express the spirit of gratitude. Through your Ho‘okupu, your generosity, AHMCA will perpetuate and broaden awareness about Hawaiian cultural practices and appreciation for its profound effects on contemporary life in Hawaii.
In memory of…
Bill Addis, who loved Hawaiian music and was a loyal fan of George and the Slack Key Show at the Napili Kai on Maui. Respecting that Bill was always a supporter, his family is requesting friends and family to donate to AHMCA in lieu of flowers to continue the good work of Hawaiian artists in promoting Hawaiian music and dance.
– -OR- –
Tax-deductible Check contributions can be made payable to:
The Academy of Hawaiian Culture, Music & the Arts, Inc and mailed to:
PO BOX 519
WAILUKU, HI 96793-0519
Donations over $250 should include the name and address of the donor and an indication if a printed receipt is desired.